Sunday, June 17, 2012

.::FREEBIE::. FREE Diary of a Wimpy Kid!

Your kids will be happy during your travels when you get them Diary of a Wimpy Kid for FREE! is an Amazon company. They are well known and trusted! They are offering a FREE 30 Day Trial - click the Audible photo above to claim yours! After you download your FREEBIE, you can cancel at any time without charge or penalty!

.::FREEBIE::. ANOTHER 30 Days of FREE Contacts!

Get a month's worth of FREE Contact Lenses! These feel as light as air! I just love them!  If you already got the other free offer of contacts I posted HERE, please note that it's 1 free offer per email address. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

.::PRODUCT TESTERS WANTED::. Thierry Mugler Wallet or Disney Perfume!

Sign up for Toluna, confirm your email, then head over to  Rewards, Test Area.  You can sign up to test a New FREE Thierry Mugler Wallet!  Disney perfume, mineral makeup, and MORE are coming soon for product testers!!!

.::FREEBIE::. FREE Patterns - Hello Kitty + 50 MORE!

Get a Hello Kitty pattern FREE! Click this link, sign up (takes 30 seconds), and then search "FREE" in the search box. It's easy!! There are about 50 FREE PATTERNS!  Choose from patterns for Crocheting, Embroidery, Felting, Jewelry, Knitting, Quilting, Paper Crafts, Sewing & More!

Friday, June 15, 2012

.::PRODUCT TESTERS WANTED::. Test & Keep Toys!

I enjoy testing full-sized products for FREE! Now, you can sign up to TEST FREE TOYS for a MAJOR TOY COMPANY, and make money while keeping FREE TOYS! Join Valued Opinions, confirm your email, and then you an see if you qualify for the toy panel1 While you're on the panel, you can earn up to $240 a month reviewing FREE TOYS!

Just for signing up, you're entered to win a $500 Amazon Gift Card!

Don't just take my word for it. Valued Opinions talks about their product testing RIGHT ON THEIR SITE:

.::GIVEAWAY::. Win a Picnic Cooler

Enter to WIN this awesome picnic cooler for 4!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

.::PRIZE PARADE::. Accepting Sponsors

Join us as a stop on the PRIZE PARADE!

What: Giveaway to engage your fans and to help you gain NEW fans!

When: Monday, June 25 - lasts 72 hours!

Where: On your FB page and 19 other FB pages!

How: Each participating FB Page will have their own entry form.  The last method of entry on that form will instruct the Fan to "Visit My Friend" and will lead them to another page to gain MORE entries!  

Bicycle - winner can choose bike size & gender (tricycle, 12", 16", 20", 26" and boy's, girl's, men's or women's)

 Sign up before it's full!  ***This is for crafters/direct sales reps/sellers and not bloggers.***

.::FREEBIE::. FREE Enfamil Gift Set (Diaper Bag, Bottle Cooler, Coupon Clutch, Formula + MORE)

Shipping takes up to 8 weeks. Pictured above is the actual gift set that was received from this promotion.
Look what my blogging buddy got in the MAIL!!! In the past, you had to print a voucher and take it to the hospital or your doctor.  Now they are mailing out up to $250 in FREEBIES! You can get a diaper bag, bottle cooler, coupon clutch, formula samples, coupons & more, too!  Here's how:

1. Sign up at EveryDay Family!
2. Be sure to fill out the form and then scroll down to check mark the Enfamil Offer (and Similac, too for extra FREEBIES)

3. EveryDay Family is full of great samples & offers for families!  Feel free to hit "SKIP" on any offers you don't want, and to sign up for any you DO want!  HAPPY SAVINGS!

Thanks to Adventures of a Couponista for the photo!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

.::GIVEAWAY::. DisneyWorld Vacation

Mr. Food One very lucky Grand Prize Winner will receive round trip airfare for 4, 4 round trip ground transfers to Disney, 4 nights hotel accommodations, four 5-Day Magic Your Way Base Tickets with Park Hopper Option and a $300 Disney Gift Card!!

$50 Disney Gift Cards will be awarded to the 10 runner up winners.

.::GIVEAWAY::. It's All About YOU! Choose Your $50 Prize!!

It's ON! Starting NOW and then thru 11:59pm tonight, you can enter to win your choice of $50 in Paypal Cash, Walmart Gift Card, Amazon Gift Card or Target Gift Card. One winner will take it ALL! Are you excited? Are you ready?

Since this is an "It's All About You" Giveaway, you can hop from sponsoring blog to sponsoring blog, entering each one along the way. This will get you even more entries, and find some awesome blogs!

To enter, just complete the form below.

Good Luck!  
(Please allow up to 1 minute for form to fully load.)

Loading Entry-Form

.::PRODUCT TESTERS WANTED::. Test & Keep Toys!

I enjoy testing full-sized products for FREE! Now, you can sign up to TEST FREE TOYS for a MAJOR TOY COMPANY, and make money while keeping FREE TOYS! Join Valued Opinions, confirm your email, take some surveys, and then you can see if you qualify for the toy panel!  While you're on the panel, you can earn up to $240 a month reviewing FREE TOYS!

Just for signing up, you're entered to win a $500 Amazon Gift Card!


.::FREEBIE::. 30 Days of FREE Contacts!

Click the banner to the right to get a free trial pair of contacts!

.::FREEBIE::. FREE BandAids + NYC Trip Giveaway

Pledge to support blood donation and get your own FREE Give bandages, and be entered to win a trip to New York City!